Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
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Special Services, The Rev. Jerry True
To view the Sermon – CLICK HERE
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
To view the video of this sermon – CLICK HERE May the words of my mouth and the meditations in our hearts, be pleasing to the God who loves us more than we can ask for, imagine, or deserve. Alleluia, Christ has risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia. On one...
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
To view the video of this sermon – CLICK HERE
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
Moses was minding the sheep of Jethro, the priest of Midian, who was also his his Father-in-Law. They came to Mount Horeb which was also known as the mountain of God. While they were there, an angel of the Lord called out to Moses from a bush that appeared to be on...
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
To view a video of the sermon – click HERE Does life sometimes seem like something not worth it to you? Do you ever feel like just giving up? Do your thoughts wander annoyingly from those great moments of celebration when you are feeling very positive about your...
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