Mission Statement

“Gathered – Transformed – Sent”
“Reunidos – Transformados – Enviados”
Statement: The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is to be…
…gathered by God from many cultures,
…transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ,
…Sent out empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Goal: Our goal in the Mission Statement is to live out the following Scriptures:

1. “Gathered / Reunidos”

…for with your blood you have redeemed for God, from every family, language, people and nation, a kingdom of priests to serve our God. – Revelation 5:9,10

Our goal is to…

…open wide the doors of Christ Church Cathedral,
…welcome those from every family, language, people and nation,
…be gathered together by God as one community.

2.  “Transformed / Transformados”

You’ll be changed from the inside out. – Romans 12:2

Our goal is that in this community…

…our hearts will be transformed by God’s grace,
…our lives wil be branded by the tender mercy of Jesus,
…we willl be equipped for the work of ministry.

3.  “Sent / Enviados”

Sent off on their new assignment by the Holy Spirit… – Acts 13:4

Our goal is to…

…be sent out the doors of the Cathedral emplowerd by the Holy Spirit,
…share the Good News with love and compassion,
…minister to the cries of an aching world in word and deed.

Adopted by the Executive Committee of Christ Church Cathedral on July 21, 2002