Special Services, The Rev. Linda Taupier
To view a video of the sermon – Click HERE Writing a sermon for today was difficult even though the readings are some of the best for a deacon preach. By now many of you know that I will be leaving Christ Church Cathedral on January 7th. I am moving to...
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jane Beebe
Click here to watch the video of the sermon. Parables depict a world that seems upside-down. They are meant to startle us awake like a Zen koan that points to truth beyond our ordinary, logical thought processes. There can be a cutting edge that severs the knots of...
Sunday Sermons, The Right Rev. Douglas J. Fisher
To view the Bishops sermon – CLICK HERE
Sunday Sermons, The Reverend Dr. Janet Zimmerman
To view a video of the sermon – Click HERE I sought the Lord, and he answered me * and delivered me out of all my terror. I called in my affliction and the Lord heard me * and saved me from all my troubles. The angel of the Lord encompasses those who fear him,...
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jane Beebe
To view a video of the sermon – Click HERE I love this interchange Jesus has with one of the Pharisees about what is the “greatest commandment.” In the Hebrew Bible one can count 613 commandments, so designating the greatest could be a daunting task! 250 of them...
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