Sunday Sermons, The Very Rev. Tom Callard
For the video of the sermon – CLICK HERE It was three years ago this spring when Covid 19 began to really impact our lives. Some time in those early months of 2020 our parishioner Megan Gallagher, who is a physician who works with infectious diseases, led a...
Sunday Sermons, The Very Rev. Tom Callard
To view the sermon click HERE This week I found out from our parishioner Laura Manship that we are halfway through tax season which is not something I had really thought about. So now I have to start working on my taxes. And you may know that this coming week we will...
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Jerry True
Click HERE to watch the video of the Sermon. “Indeed, God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” In the Name of the One and only God, the God whose Name is Love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit....
Sunday Sermons, The Rev. Linda Taupier
To view the sermon – CLICK HERE Welcome to Lent. During these next weeks, we will walk with Jesus toward Jerusalem. This is a time in our church year to examine our lives and make amends. We can use these 40 days to make a right beginning. We begin with two...
Sunday Sermons, The Very Rev. Tom Callard
The Happy last Sunday in Epiphany. Here at church, we like to conclude Epiphany in two ways, one is to have a Mardi Gras- type celebration where we can splurge a little before the fast that begins on Ash Wednesday. And we will do that later today. And the...
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